Board Policy 1055
Freedom of Expression
博天堂官方 and its Board of Education believes that freedom of expression is essential to the fulfillment of our mission, values, and goals. The purpose of this policy is to affirm and guide our deep commitment to free expression.
The Board of Education directs the President to establish content neutral Administrative Rules, Codes of Conduct, and procedures and practices that establish allowable time, place and manner of free expression that supports the mission and the learning activities of the college. We believe that engaging with individuals and groups with beliefs and perspectives different from our own is a learning experience that enhances our understanding of the world and ourselves. We believe that as an inclusive college, 博天堂官方 commits to protecting and creating the opportunity for expression by all of us in a manner that fosters inquiry, debate, and understanding. We accept that we will encounter expressions that may create a wide range of feelings, including discomfort, anger, frustration, and offense. We value the learning experience that results from thoughtful engagement with all protected expressions, knowing free expression is necessary for accomplishing our mission and sustaining our values.
4/17/19, 6/26/23